40 Days 4 Him

Psalm 85:6 states “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you.” This entire Psalm is a cry from God’s people to celebrate again the reviving and awakening presence of the God they once knew. Kenyan Archbishop Eliud Wabukala shares the following insights about revival:

*Genuine revival is God’s initiative and work that begins with heartfelt repentance and expectant prayer. It’s a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit that produces deep joy and blessing. This deep joy and blessing is rooted in turning toward God in the honoring and obeying of God’s Holy Word.

*Revival wonderfully changes individuals, the church and entire nations. It’s the Spirit of God who gives life and when we know that enjoyment of God, there will be an unstoppable release of energy and creativity in Gospel proclamation, godly living and church growth. Only a revived church will be strong enough to counter the powerful secular ideologies that are increasing their foothold in the world.

*True revival is holistic. The scope of the Gospel is the glory of God in all His creation and revival is an intensification of that breaking in of the Gospel which is so powerful and sustained that it goes beyond the Church and God is glorified in good government, just laws, wise stewardship and a productive economy. A restored people leads to a restored nation and a restored land.

*The Holy Spirit is not at our disposal, but what matters is that we’re at His disposal.

The Lord reigns and we need to place the church back in God’s hands. We do that by listening to God’s voice in the Scriptures as His revealed and uniquely authoritative Word, praying earnestly, expecting GREAT things in the power of the Holy Spirit and keeping the cross of Christ always before us!

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