
The words fast, fasted or fasting appear 61 times in the Old & New Testaments. While the Hebrew word means abstain from food, fasting can also refer to abstinence from drinking, bathing or sexual relations. Fasting reveals our weakness and dependence on God. The duration of Biblical fasts varied, with some going from sunrise to sundown or sunset to sunset. Fasts could be for a day(s), a week or 40 days.

*Scriptural reasons for fasting include repentance, mourning, to prepare for spiritual battle and to humbly seek God’s direction, mercy or blessing.

*Types of fasts include: Normal (Liquids only), Absolute (Nothing), Partial (Omit certain items or meals), Rotational (Omit or rotate certain food groups)

*Fasting includes Sacrifice (Giving something up) and Service (Loving your neighbor)

*Ask God’s guidance in your fast. Sacrifice and Service go together.

*UNPLUG from media and give your spirit a chance to really listen!

“As soon as I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Neh.1:4)